Thursday, May 20, 2010

Words for incoming seniors...

Do your school work! Don't slack just because it's the last year of high school. Keep away from drama, high school is hard enough without people making it more difficult. Apply to colleges early. Take your SAT and ACT as soon as possible so you can take it again if you need to. Stick with your friends because this is probably the last year you will ever see them so make the most of it. Have high goals, never settle for just enough. Get involved, play a few sports or get into clubs because your going to regret it if you don't. Senior year isn't all about partying. Don't get mixed up in the wrong crowds that will get you in trouble. Do your homework, don't fight about it just do it. DO NOT SKIP SCHOOL!! That's how all the straight A kids end up failing. But most important, just have fun with your senior year. It's the only one you will ever have so make the most of it.

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