Thursday, February 25, 2010

I learned a couple things from Life of Pi. Hyenas are disgusting, mean, and cruel animals. I learned that tigers can be trained but not tamed. Also that tigers are very lovable but very dangerous animals. I learned many survival skills such as drinking turtle blood and not to eat birds. And the most important, never, and I mean never disrupt a tiger in distress!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The first video was more effective, but was obviously way too dramatic. Yes, we all know that people have died because of driving and texting, but it shouldn't come to the level of scaring people out of it. People just need to use common since. The first video gets the message across better without being cheesy about it like the second.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Name 30 things you would never do
Corey and Anndria

1.Mess with a tiger
2.Eat a cow stomach
3.Drive drunk
4.Be on the Real World
5.Hate someone for their race, age or sexuality
6.Text while driving
7.Jump off a building for fun
8.Sell my own organs
9.Go near a cockroach
10. Own a pet spider
11.Smoke cigarettes
12.Kill someone
13.Listen to the red hot chili peppers
14.Beat my spouse
15.Beat my children
16.Punch someone bigger than me in the face
17.Wear a scarf
18.Lick a frozen pole
19.Play on train tracks
20.Be on Fear Factor
21.Do crack
22.Cheat on someone
23.Lie about being in love
24.Kick myself in the head
25.Fight someone (not in self defence)
26.Put a foriegn object in my nose
27.Dress in drag
28.Undress infront of strangers
29.Not act like myself
30.Have an abortion

So here is a list of a few things I would never do. Some of them are obvious things no one would ever do, But in any case, they are rules I live by each day. For instance, Anndria would never go on the Real World because number one most of the people end up cheating on who they are in a relationship with and number two she feels like it exploits things most people wouldn't want the public eye to see. However, Corey would go on the real world. Being a single male, with no attachments, he feels that it would be a great life-changing expierience.
One thing the both of us would never do is beat our child. Corey is a pacifist to begin with so hitting a child would simply be out of the question. And Anndria was not brought up around violence and was taught to never hit their child or anyone for that matter. Learning from his parents and they way they raised him, Corey feels that violence is not the best approach (but don't take it as if they were abusive).
Corey would never dress in drag. But Anndria dresses in what would be considered drag for Corey everyday. Even though Anndria thinks Corey would be very pretty in drag haha. Corey would be a very pretty girl. Thank you :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

5 tips for teachers

1. Teachers should ask what the student would like to learn and what they are interested in. The more comfortable a student is, the easier it is to learn.

2. The teacher should be fun and productive, no one wants to listen to a monotone lecture about something they don't care about. Even something as simple as typing on colored paper can change the affects on a lesson drastically.

3. The teacher should feel comfortable getting close with students, and vice versa. Building a healthy relationship makes both the students and teachers lives a lot less stressful.

4. Teachers should be helpful and willing to take on any questions. Everyones had that one teacher who would treat them like crap if they didn't understand the lesson.

5. Be patient with your students. Some people don't learn as fast as others. Periodically check to make sure every students is keeping up and understanding the work without giving out bad grades for it. The worst thing is when a teacher won't help you understand something then you fail a quiz because of it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

There once was a boy who was stuck on a boat.
So happy that it could float.
He tried to get higher,
To keep from the tiger
Thank God he wasn't a goat.

I must think.
About how much I drink.
About the people I choose not to believe.
And I know, after they leave
My ship begins to sink

The beautiful blue in her eyes.
The way she walks leaves me in sighs.
She said she loved me for me
And that's all I could see
In the end it was all lies.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Texting while driving

I personally do not text and drive. Well, only at a red light if its necessary. When I am in a car with a friend who is driving, I usually text for them. I don't like the idea of people doing it, especially older people who have a hard time working with technology and younger teens who are careless. I think it should be a law not to do it because it puts everyones life at risk. The video had a slight impact on my perspective but I was already fond of the idea of making texting while driving illegal. The only thing that can really encourage people not to do it is make it illegal. Yes, I believe it should be shown on t.v. but to an older audience. You don't want teens to be scared to drive on the road.

Monday, February 8, 2010

“Why am I not in bed, like everyone else, dead to the  world? Why do I do this, live with the constant pain, the suffering, the sacrifice? Why? Because I can. Because pain tells me I’m awake. Reminds me I’m alive. Who am I? I am the wrecker of steel. I am the crusher of mediocrity. I am the face of destiny. I am Animal...”